Unreal Engine 4学习总动员——动画设计

“Unreal Engine 4 Learning Mobilization – Animation Design” is an in-depth guide tailored for those looking to master animation within Unreal Engine 4. This book covers a wide array of topics, including:

  • Fundamentals of Animation: Understanding the basics of animation principles and how they apply within Unreal Engine 4.
  • Character Rigging and Animation: Techniques for rigging characters and creating animations that bring them to life.
  • Animation Blueprints: Utilizing Blueprints to control and manage animations effectively.
  • Advanced Animation Techniques: Exploring advanced topics such as blend spaces, state machines, and animation montages.
  • Practical Tutorials: Step-by-step tutorials that guide readers through the process of creating and implementing animations in their projects.

The book is packed with practical examples and hands-on projects, making it an invaluable resource for both beginners and experienced animators. Additionally, it includes project files and video tutorials to provide a comprehensive learning experience.

This content is only available for Daily Pass members and higher-level members.